Friday 20 January 2017

Brief Analysis of Similar Products

Memento (2000)
Memento is a 2000 American neo-noir psychological thriller film written and directed by Christopher Nolan, and produced by Suzanne and Jennifer Todd. The plot revolves around a man named Leonard who has anterograde amnesia (a loss of the ability to create new memories after the event that caused the amnesia.) he searches for the attackers who attacked him and murdered his wife, using a system of polaroid photographs and tattoos to track information he cannot remember. Memento is presented as two different sequences of scenes interspersed during the film: a series in black-and-white that is shown chronologically, and a series of colour sequences shown in reverse order.

 Image result for Memento

The reason I chose this film was because I liked the idea of the two sequences, one showing the complete truth and the other bending the sequences, asking the audience to question what is real and what isn’t. I would like to use an idea similar to this, creating sets of memories to form one whole story but with the twist that some of these memories are fictional. The final story would then come together in the end, with all the fake memories cut out either haunting the main character or giving him a sense of relief.

American Psycho (2000)
American Psycho is a 2000 American black comedy-horror film co-written and directed by Mary Harron. The plot is based on Patrick Bateman. Patrick Bateman is young, white, beautiful, Ivy League, and indistinguishable from his Wall Street colleagues. Shielded by conformity, privilege, and wealth, Bateman is also the ultimate serial killer, roaming freely and fearlessly. His murderous impulses are fuelled by zealous materialism and piercing envy when he discovers someone else has acquired more than he has. After a colleague presents a business card superior in ink and paper to his, Bateman's blood thirst sharpens, and he steps up his homicidal activities to a frenzied pitch. Hatchets fly, butcher knives chop, chainsaws rip, and surgical instruments mutilate-how far will Bateman go? How much can he get away with?

Image result for American Psycho

Although this movie is a black horror comedy, I did like the idea of an ambiguous ending to keep the audience intrigued and guessing even after the movie has finished. The actor/actresses choices are also welcoming as everyone casted fits the role perfectly.

The Shining (1980)
Frustrated writer Jack Torrance takes a job as the winter caretaker at the ominous, mountain-locked Overlook Hotel so that he can write in peace. When he arrives there with his wife and son, they learn that the previous caretaker had gone mad. Slowly Jack becomes possessed by the evil, demonic presence in the hotel.

 Image result for The Shining

The only similarity I would like to take from The Shining is the camerawork. Stanley Kubrick is a talented director who has a unique trademark. One of his trademarks is the use of an unedited tracking shot and a good example of this is The Shining. Kubrick uses tracking shots to create an unsettling mood in the film, such as the shot of the boy riding his big wheels through the empty hallways. I would like to integrate this signature shot in order not only to pay homage to the late director, but to set the mood and create suspense.

The Sixth Sense (1999)
Young Cole Sear (Haley Joel Osment) is haunted by a dark secret: he is visited by ghosts. Cole is frightened by visitations from those with unresolved problems who appear from the shadows. He is too afraid to tell anyone about his anguish, except child psychologist Dr. Malcolm Crowe (Bruce Willis). As Dr. Crowe tries to uncover the truth about Cole's supernatural abilities, the consequences for client and therapist are a jolt that awakens them both to something unexplainable.

Image result for the sixth sense

The reason I choose the sixth sense as a similar product to my film is because there will also be a twist ending which will throw the audience. The idea of our film is that we want to leave the audience in suspense, from the moment they enter the film to when they are leaving.

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