Tuesday 2 May 2017

Analysis of Responses

This is a brief analysis to the questions which were answered during the questionnaire.

1)  What sub-genre do you prefer in a thriller?

The response we mainly received was the action genre. Using this response, we will try to focus the story on action maybe using the chase scenes involving some form of gunplay in order to add emphasis to the chase scene entirely. We would however like to stick to telling the story we made into how we want to tell it using the background and setting to show signs of oppression.

2) Would you rather have an detailed storyline with a realistic plot or detailed fight scenes focused more on action?

The majority of the response we got was to incorporate detailed fight scenes with a realistic plot. The difference between the two questions was simple. would you like plotted fight scenes but however we focus more on the plot line rather than the action itself or we focus strictly on the fight scenes and try to make a generic plot line in order to go along with the fights.If the audience answered for the former question, then we would try to stick to making the film base on the story plot alone rather than spending so much time focusing on detailed fight scenes.If you answered the latter, then we try to keep the story as basic as possible (Adding some touches to the script) and instead focus on each chase, each fight etc. This means we wouldn't receive as much credit from the industry as we would've like to (and certainly not win any awards) but the praise we would get from the fans would make up for that, increasing the profit we make for the film.

3) What is your favorite film?

This answer was given in a comment box in order to make sure that not only the survey looks professional but whatever answer they give we can put into feedback of the film. For example, if the survey said that the Fast & Furious franchise was some of there favorite films we would take influence from that and try to incorporate more chase scenes involving cars into our film.

4)Who is favorite actor/actress?

Again this answer was put into a comment box so that everyone who takes this quiz has the ability to put there favorite actor/actress, making the answers more diverse.

Wednesday 1 March 2017


Create your own user feedback survey

Final Outline

Friday 3 February 2017

BBFC Rating

The BBFC (British Board of Film Classification) is responsible for reviewing and supplying a film or video (such as a TV programme or a music video.) with its age range and censorship. They categorise submitted works into the following: Universal, PG, 12, 12A, 15 ,18 ,R18 (Restricted 18). Universal means that its suitable for viewing from any age, PG means Parental guidance and would require a parent in order to watch it. the rest are the ages and above in which you can watch it and restricted 18 means its restricted in certain countries and can  only be watched by 18 and higher.

I would classify our film as a 15 maximum because of the following. First of all, our film would contain a lot of swearing which falls under the language classification label and is already not appropriate for children meaning that the age range (which was already a 12) should be higher because the swearing is excessive.

Second of all, there are scenes which involve violence and conflict (otherwise known as threat in BBFCs classification labels). As we dive deeper into our characters memories we see violence episodes in flashbacks involving tools and maybe even bare hands (depending on the majority decision of the group. However, violence wont be involved in the trailer as we do not want to give too much away. Its designed to tease the audience as they are trying to figure out just what the film will be based on.

Another thing that will factor the 15 age range would be discrimination. Our main character is going to be living in the projects of London and considered to be in the lowest class of the economy class ( The E-class.) He is currently unemployed, living off benefits and an immigrant to the country leaving his friends and family behind. As he lives on an estate, we went with the stereotype that gangs and criminals like to associate there and because of this, our main character will the target of there harassment, bordering on verbal abuse and torment to outright assault.

One In Depth Analysis of Similar Products


 " A dark, stylish thriller ranks as one of the decade's most influential box-office successes. Set in a hellish vision of a New York-like city, where it is always raining and the air crackles with impending death, the film concerns Det. William Somerset (Morgan Freeman), a homicide specialist just one week from a well-deserved retirement. Every minute of his 32 years on the job is evident in Somerset's worn, exhausted face, and his soul aches with the pain that can only come from having seen and felt far too much. But Somerset's retirement must wait for one last case, for which he is teamed with young hotshot David Mills (Brad Pitt), the fiery detective set to replace him at the end of the week. A diabolical serial killer is staging grisly murders, choosing victims representing the seven deadly sins."

The director of the film was David Fincher, a brilliant director who has made such films such as Fight Club and the Social Network.

Seven (Also known as Se7en)  has an impressive main cast, from iconic stars like Morgan Freeman and Brad Pitt to Kevin spacey and Gwyneth Paltrow. It garnered high praised from critics and even earned a nomination for Best Film Editing at the 68th Academy Awards, but lost  to Apollo 13. 

The plot is based on the seven (hence the title) deadly sins ,Lust,Gluttony,Greed, Sloth,Wrath,Envy and Pride and how 7 gruesome murders are tied to them. Two Detectives, Dets. William somerset and David Mills are tasked with solving the case and eventually meet John Doe (Played by Kevin Spacey. he has committed every sin except for the last two: Envy and wrath. John reveals that he  was jealous of Mills' life and marriage to Tracy. Mills keeps on asking whats in the box and it turns out to be his wife's head,although the head is never shown its just implied. Mills is beginning to be overcome with rage. John then tells Mills that Tracey was pregnant.This tips Mills over the edge and he decides to shoot John 6 times before dropping the gun in pain. Mills and John have now completed the seven deadly sins, signifying that John doe has won.

The plot was something never used before, and the story was told in an intriguing way similar to David Finchers unique story telling (See Memento if you don't believe me.)

Filming for the movie took place in Los Angeles, California. Fincher believed that the oppressive rain and crowded city of Los Angeles would show a city that was "dirty, violent, polluted, often depressing.  and  he worked  with cinematographer Darius Khonji in order to make the film and took influences from the TV show, COPS "how the camera is in the backseat peering over people's shoulder". 

Productions of the film came from New Line Cinemas who approached multiple talented actors for the role of William Somerset. Actors like Denzel Washington and Sylvester Stallone turned down the role, whilst actors like Al Pacino went on to do "City Hall" instead.

The ending of the play was almost taken away from the final cut, until multiple protests from Fincher and Brad Pitt persuaded the company to keep it. with multiple challenging themes, in hindsight I believed that the final ending fitted the film perfectly, 

Friday 20 January 2017

Target Audience Description

Image result for cinema

Our target audience is going to be centered around 18-25 Male/Female. This is because I believe that they would enjoy all of the aspects that we tried to put into the film and the messages we are trying to portray. The movie also has a specific age of 18+ which is why the movie is going to have that target audience age range and possibly even older.Adding to this, We believed that a younger audience want to see the film because its going to be based somewhere in London but we felt adults in there mid 20's would enjoy the film more because the movie is going to be complex and challenging, putting across violent images that not many directors like to show.We also created a focus group made up of 4 different people with 4 different backgrounds in order to find out who would enjoy it more and if we are trying to target the wrong audience.

Brief Analysis of Similar Products

Memento (2000)
Memento is a 2000 American neo-noir psychological thriller film written and directed by Christopher Nolan, and produced by Suzanne and Jennifer Todd. The plot revolves around a man named Leonard who has anterograde amnesia (a loss of the ability to create new memories after the event that caused the amnesia.) he searches for the attackers who attacked him and murdered his wife, using a system of polaroid photographs and tattoos to track information he cannot remember. Memento is presented as two different sequences of scenes interspersed during the film: a series in black-and-white that is shown chronologically, and a series of colour sequences shown in reverse order.

 Image result for Memento

The reason I chose this film was because I liked the idea of the two sequences, one showing the complete truth and the other bending the sequences, asking the audience to question what is real and what isn’t. I would like to use an idea similar to this, creating sets of memories to form one whole story but with the twist that some of these memories are fictional. The final story would then come together in the end, with all the fake memories cut out either haunting the main character or giving him a sense of relief.

American Psycho (2000)
American Psycho is a 2000 American black comedy-horror film co-written and directed by Mary Harron. The plot is based on Patrick Bateman. Patrick Bateman is young, white, beautiful, Ivy League, and indistinguishable from his Wall Street colleagues. Shielded by conformity, privilege, and wealth, Bateman is also the ultimate serial killer, roaming freely and fearlessly. His murderous impulses are fuelled by zealous materialism and piercing envy when he discovers someone else has acquired more than he has. After a colleague presents a business card superior in ink and paper to his, Bateman's blood thirst sharpens, and he steps up his homicidal activities to a frenzied pitch. Hatchets fly, butcher knives chop, chainsaws rip, and surgical instruments mutilate-how far will Bateman go? How much can he get away with?

Image result for American Psycho

Although this movie is a black horror comedy, I did like the idea of an ambiguous ending to keep the audience intrigued and guessing even after the movie has finished. The actor/actresses choices are also welcoming as everyone casted fits the role perfectly.

The Shining (1980)
Frustrated writer Jack Torrance takes a job as the winter caretaker at the ominous, mountain-locked Overlook Hotel so that he can write in peace. When he arrives there with his wife and son, they learn that the previous caretaker had gone mad. Slowly Jack becomes possessed by the evil, demonic presence in the hotel.

 Image result for The Shining

The only similarity I would like to take from The Shining is the camerawork. Stanley Kubrick is a talented director who has a unique trademark. One of his trademarks is the use of an unedited tracking shot and a good example of this is The Shining. Kubrick uses tracking shots to create an unsettling mood in the film, such as the shot of the boy riding his big wheels through the empty hallways. I would like to integrate this signature shot in order not only to pay homage to the late director, but to set the mood and create suspense.

The Sixth Sense (1999)
Young Cole Sear (Haley Joel Osment) is haunted by a dark secret: he is visited by ghosts. Cole is frightened by visitations from those with unresolved problems who appear from the shadows. He is too afraid to tell anyone about his anguish, except child psychologist Dr. Malcolm Crowe (Bruce Willis). As Dr. Crowe tries to uncover the truth about Cole's supernatural abilities, the consequences for client and therapist are a jolt that awakens them both to something unexplainable.

Image result for the sixth sense

The reason I choose the sixth sense as a similar product to my film is because there will also be a twist ending which will throw the audience. The idea of our film is that we want to leave the audience in suspense, from the moment they enter the film to when they are leaving.

Tuesday 17 January 2017



Fade In:


A modern university stood on the precipice of hope for their students but from aesthetics looks rundown. 

A tilting shot of the “university/college” logo at the front of the building is shown, cutting to an establishing shot of a courtyard without students and our main character, Colin Hart.
COLIN, Mid 20s, is casually walking to his lesson through the courtyard when he decides to check his phone for the time (time should be around 2 pm to indicate that people should be in lesson.)  
Close-up of the phone in Colin’s hand.


Cut to the next setting ; The classroom

Colin enters a derelict classroom with wooden flooring and glass windows located above the wall. The classroom is empty, with chairs put in a full circle to show the lesson has already been pre-planned. There are sheets of paper scattered all across the floor with an open door and a shining light. Colin is intrigued, and decides to check to see what’s happening.
                                                      COLIN (V.O) (Own thoughts)
                                    Where is everyone?


Cut again to the office inside the classroom.

The adjacent room is also empty, with the computer left on and half a mug left on coffee on the desk. Colin begins to worry, contemplating leaving the lesson as it should have already started. He checks the time once again and it is now 2.20. He starts to wonder what the hell is going on and leaves the classroom, searching around the school for any signs of life.


Everything and everyone is left, but the school is still fully functional suggesting that people were here. Music starts to build as Colin begins to question if this is a dream or reality. He slowly starts to descent into sanity as he grabs his head, spinning from all the questions and mysteries he is trying to confront.The music builds to a final crescendo as the video ends, showing the title of the film and the release date.

Preliminary Task Video