Wednesday 14 December 2016

Genre Overview

The main idea for our film is that we keep it simple and have the genre as Drama. Now that has been concluded, we need to research the conventions of the Drama and what makes it significant to others forcing it to stand out.I would also like to add that I would like to keep our drama in the sub-genre of teen. An example of this would be films like Kidulthood and Bullet Boy.

Examples of a Stellar Drama film

Image result for shawshamp redemption

Image result for american beauty

Image result for midnight cowboy

Conventions of Drama

Portrays realistic plots along with characters and settings (Nothing over the top compared to that of a Comedy.)

Story begins to change as soon as the character starts to develop in the film (Prime example of this would be American History X) through social interactions or dramatic events.

Drama's objective is to play with the audiences emotions either keeping them gripped or leaving them in tears. It plays with them psychologically without the audience even realising it.

Usually involves conflict, either internally or externally. (Violence can usually be associated, but this varies depending on the film and whether or not they want to keep it gritty.)  Conflict would be used to depict hardship or difficulty.

Dramas used to have difficult journeys and then included a happy ending in order to keep the audience happy.However,Since then dramas have had many different endings incorporated.Some have a deeper message in order to try and keep the audience educated on different matters (Requiem for a dream is a good example of a film trying to show the decline in life when taking drugs and how they affect you and those around you.) whereas others try to grip the audience or leave them in suspense so they can produce a sequel for profit.


Lighting in Dramas are usually dark and bleak to portray a gritty atmosphere.Also, because the genre is supposed to be realistic you wouldn't see sunshine and rainbows when someones about to be murdered. High and low angles are also used in order to show superiority and inferiority between characters. (Examples of this can be shown in films like Matilda who use these angles very well when showing confrontations between Matilda and her parents or teacher.)

Props likely to be used

Most props that characters use in Dramas are objects that we use in everyday life. This could be bad as for example , Guns and alcohol are quite frequently used to show a downwards spiral in a character and guns are connoted with death as they are a harbinger of violence and chaos. Other props can just be essential like a mobile phone which we use to communicate with our friends and family.

Typical settings/locations 

These settings/locations would be suitable for a TEEN DRAMA :
Typical Settings•   Teen Drama:•   Close knit locations•   E.G. Council Estates,•   Flats,•   Ghetto’s,•   School•   Stree...

The idea of a teen drama was good but we have decided to change our idea to a Psychological Thriller. Below you will find the new genre overview for the thriller genre.


The aim of a Thriller is to try and keep the audience in suspense.

Locations for a Thriller are primarily located in a Urban/Suburban area.

Image result for urban and suburban areas

The plot for a film can vary but it usually involves the investigation of a enigma (a person or thing that is mysterious or difficult to understand.)
The hero/main character is the only one who is able to understand/find the truth around the enigma.

Violence is one of the main conventions used in a thriller film as it is used in order to progress the story/narrative along from a fight to a murder or chase scene.
Conventions of the Genre:

1.Dark colour schemes and low key lighting to connote mystery and suspense.

2.Themes of isolation which shows the character as vulnerable in comparison to the antagonist.

3.Props such as guns which are used to signify terror therefore, creating suspense and tension.

4.Distressed appearance.

5.Settings that depict a normal and everyday environment.

6.Suspense and Fear (Tension as well.)

7.Constant twists in the plot to catch the audience off guard.

8.Protagonist vs Antagonist.The Antagonist initially having control over the situation and the power shifting half-way to feature the protagonist in control.

9.Narrative dominated by the Protagonists P.O,V mainly.

10.Eventual domination over the Antagonist- Justice.

11.Clear sense of pursuit between the Protagonist and Antagonist.

Examples of a Stellar Thriller film

Draft Survey

What Sub-Genre do you prefer in a Thriller?

1. Psychological
2. Spy
3. Drama
4. Action

Would you rather have an detailed storyline with a realistic plot or detailed fight scenes focused more on action?

1. Detailed Storyline with a Realistic Plot.
2. Detailed Fight Scenes focused more on Action.

What is your favorite film?


Who is your favorite film Actor/Actress?


Which Director in your opinion creates good Thriller Movies?

1.The Coen Brothers
2.Alfred Hitchcock
3.Roman Polanski
4.David Lynch

What do you expect in the opening scene of a Thriller?

1. Murder/Death
2.Family Gathering/Main Characters time with Family
3.Establishing Shots

Is Thriller your preferred Genre and if so,How old are you?

Doesn't Matter

Age Range 


Tuesday 6 December 2016

Analysis of City Of God

Opening Scene 

The opening scene starts off with an extreme close up of some knifes being sharpened followed by some upbeat music. The use of the knifes being sharpened can help to suggest that the film connotes violence because they do not know that the blade is being used for. It also helps to keep the audience in suspense and could also help to foreshadow the film in general as the first scene of the film includes the use of weapons.

Adding onto this, we also can gather the location of where the film is because the music sounds like it originates from Brazil because of the use of the drums. The next part also helps to add emphasis that the film could be located in the slums based on the fact the film is filmed in Brazil and most of the country has a majority of slums.

We then have different forms of crosscutting involving different chickens being cut up and prepared in different ways from different people. Judging by the fact that most of these people do not wear shoes and have to wait for there chicken to be prepared in front of them instead of going out and buying it helps to suggest that a lot of people in this community are of a certain class. A close up of a chicken is on the screen now and manages to get out of the rope that he is tied on. Also from what I said at the beginning, we then see some chicken blood on a plate. This helps to suggest that there will be more blood and killings throughout the film and that this is just a symbol/signifier for whats to come.More parallel editing is used now to cut to man who utters in his native language "Oh f**k the chickens getting away go after it,man," and we see wide shots of all different gang members holding guns. This not only shows that they have a violent nature but also helps to show that there is hardly any form of law and order because the police are either minimal or corrupt and bribed by gangs.

Image result for city of god gang leader

We then have some more crosscutting between two adults walking, one of them talking about how he wants to become a photographer with what looks like his friend and then a chase between the gang and the chicken.The wannabe photographer is talking about how he has to risk his life in order to get a shot which would qualify him for a certain job.The other scene is a continuation of the chase between the chicken and the gang. However, someone carrying pots and pans. He try's to catch the chicken but to no avail.This angers what looks like the leader (seeing as though he has the ability to order those around him.) and pushes the guy on the ground pulling out a gun out and threatening to kill him. This shows that he has the power of the whole community because hes making them fear him. the camera also helps to show this when the leader looks at the guy on the floor because it is a high angle and high angles help to show superiority over the subject.

The next scene shows the two boys meeting the gang and their leader. he orders one of the boys to grab the chicken who is just in front of them in the road. The boy feels obligated to try and grab the chicken as the gang have guns all on them. However, just as he is about to grab the chicken the gang shout "oh s**t police." a long shot is then used of the gang members starting to run but the leader orders them to stay, suggesting that a shootout is about to occur and the boy is stuck between the both of them. the boy realises he is screwed, quoting "If I run,I die. If I stay I die." The scene cuts to a brand new one (some form of a flashback) indicating that the scene before will be the ending scene.This helps to add suspense as we are about to see what looks like a gunfight between the gang and the police but the director decides to leave us hanging.